Sweet Pea Dreams – David Corscadden

To spread some cheer on a Monday morning, I decided to share an ultimate summer flower with you all. I don’t think you can have summer without mountains and mountains of sweet pea. Everything from the colour to the delicious scent screams summer to me! To share my joy for sweet pea I wanted to share these photos with you all.

Can colour combinations get any better??! I think I am even more happy that I have spent the last 20 minutes or so re-sizing these photos and basically drooling over the colours and their beauty!!


My Name is David Corscadden and I have just finished my degree in horticulture from UCD. I have a keen interest in wildlife friendly gardens or as I like to call them “Wild Gardens”. I have in the last year taken a u-turn in what I thought I would do after college. I have moved more in to the literature side of horticulture and plan to do a masters in journalism next year.
