Rivers and Wildflowers – Dee Sewell

Vibrant Ireland is one of my favourite travel blogs that shares tips and tales of what to see, do, eat and special places to visit in Ireland, London, Norway and beyond. I was really pleased to write a guest post for Susan, author of Vibrant Ireland about an overnight stay Mr G and I spent at The Waterside Guesthouse in Graigenamanagh, Co Kilkenny which can be found here if you’d like to find out more.

The post is more than just a diary of a night away in a riverside village. It’s a reflection on how rural villages are surviving under changing economic and social conditions. Do check it out if you have a minute please.

One of the unexpected highlights of our weekend was the walk along the tow path of the River Barrow which was full of beautiful wildflowers. I’ve shared some of the images below which you can click for a slide show.

Sometimes the most beautiful things we experience aren’t chosen or placed, they’re quietly existing around us; we have to slow down, open our eyes and see.


Dee Sewell – a horticulturalist and certified trainer who started Greenside Up in 2009 and teaches people how to grow vegetables. Dee specialises in working with community gardens but also offers workshops, allotment visits, consultations, horticultural therapy, afterschools clubs as well as local talks – she tailors her services to meet clients needs. In 2012 Dee launched a Seed Gift Collection containing varieties of vegetable and insect friendly flowers with the aim of getting more people growing. Dee’s blog was a finalist in the 2012 Ireland Blog Awards in the Eco/Green and Lifestyle Categories.

Source: GreenSide Up – Rivers and Wildflowers – Dee Sewell