RHS Britain in Bloom Judging is Now Under Way



RHS judges are now on a two week tour of the UK assessing an estimated 90,000 acres of public green space in 77 locations in the national finals of RHS Britain in Bloom – Europe’s biggest community gardening campaign.

Over the following fortnight, the judging panel of expert horticulturists will crisscross the whole of the UK to visit villages, towns and cities that were picked from nearly 1,000 to represent their region or nation in the competition finals. North Berwick (Scotland), Stanghow (Yorkshire), Lytham (Lancashire), Halstead (Essex) and Herm (Channel Islands) are competing for the title of Champion of Champions, the ultimate RHS Britain in Bloom award.

More than 20,000 volunteers have invested 100,000 hours to earn a place in the finals by brightening up streets with floral displays, litter-picking and street-tidying, creating wildflower meadows to help local wildlife, transforming derelict land in to community havens, growing produce, and much more.

Roger Burnett, Chair of the RHS Britain in Bloom judging panel, said: “Many see RHS Britain in Bloom as a floral competition but we’ll also be looking at how the finalists have used public green spaces for the benefit of the whole community, and the environment.”

In fact, more than half of finalists cite the biggest benefit of being involved in RHS Britain in Bloom as bringing the community together. Other benefits include improved local economies, better profile of area and a reduction in crime and antisocial behaviour.

Look out for the results which will be announced at an awards ceremony on 12 October.

Source: RHS – Britain in Bloom Judging is Now Under Way