Exhibition – 21st Century Liffey: A Boulevard of Rooms + Corridors

This stimulating new exhibition by David Jordan and Fergus Browne is the follow up to 2012’s well-received Connector + Divider exhibition and represents the urban design vision stage to their project. Following its successful launch at darc space gallery by Lord Mayor of Dublin, Naoise Ó Muirí in May, the exhibition will be on display at Dublin Civic Trust, 4 Castle Street, Dublin 2 throughout the summer.

The work addresses the concept of the mise en scène as a central theme for realising the Liffey Quays as a grand civic boulevard, by addressing the symbiotic relationship between form, space and water. The linchpin to achieving their vision is a Rooms + Corridors strategy, which capitalises on existing spaces within the urban form to create a number of ‘rooms’ or public spaces designed to punctuate the Quays, while also maintaining their traditional linear nature. The work promotes a long-term approach in dealing with the future of the Liffey Quays.

The Lord Mayor described the project as “inspiring, thought provoking and timely” which “encapsulates the importance of the River Liffey for Dublin and highlights the need for a long term strategic vision”. It is hoped that this exhibition and research will inspire debate, creativity and ultimately contribute towards achieving positive action which will see the Liffey Quays become the central civic spine and green boulevard of Dublin.

Opening Hours: June – September 2013, Monday – Friday 10.00am – 5.30pm.
Website: www.urbannexusinitiative.com

Source: Dublin Civic Trust – Exhibition – 21st Century Liffey: A Boulevard of Rooms + Corridors