Dublin Gardens – Carysfort Lodge

Carysfort Lodge, home of Siobhan and David Dillon is an old-fashioned Regency house in a terrace close to the centre of Blackrock – a bustling suburb of Dublin. The garden has been created over the past thirty-five years and is now, thanks to good structure and some beautiful trees, an oasis of peace and beauty in a busy urban setting – a veritable rus in urbe!

Siobhan is a textile artist – the photograph above shows an example of her work – and her talents can be seen in the good design of the garden and the charming mixed borders where plants mingle in carefully controlled abandon! Siobhan’s needlework pictures are often available for purchase. Among the many features of this lovely garden, the trees are of particular interest especially a fine Magnolia x soulangeana and a Xanthocyparis nootkensis Pendula.



49 Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.
Tel: +353 1 288 9273
E-mail: zakdillon@eircom.net 

GPS: N 53-17.5655 W006-10.4788
Coming from Dublin, bear left into Blackrock and then right into Carysfort Avenue. Continue through traffic lights. Carysfort Lodge is about 8th house on the right.

April to July.
Groups only by appointment (Minimum 4 people)

Adults €5.00.

Tea/coffee and homemade biscuits available by arrangement. (€3.00 per person)

Best time to Visit:

Siobhan Dillon

Source: Dublin Garden Group – Dublin Gardens – Carysfort Lodge