Dublin Gardens – Carmel Duignan’s Garden

Carmel Duignan, a gardening writer and former television producer, has created a beautiful garden in the mild, maritime climate of south-east County Dublin. A self-confessed plantaholic, she has amassed an extraordinary collection of plants – from old, familiar favourites to plants that are on the cutting edge of tenderness, rarity and current fashion. Old and new have been plaited together with flair and artistry and the resulting combinations of colour, shape and texture produce pleasing and innovative compositions throughout the garden. Of particular interest are the small-flowered clematis and a good range of Pseudopanax.

From the plant collector, who craves the new, the hard-to-grow, or hard-to-find, to the gardener who simply appreciates the beauty of growing things, this garden offers interest and enjoyment.



21 Library Road, Shankill, Co. Dublin
Tel/Fax: +353 1 282 4885
E-mail: cbduignan@eircom.net

GPS: N53-14.047 W006-07.633
Take N11 from Dublin. Turn left at Loughlinstown Roundabout and 1st right into Stonebridge Road, then left into Library Road.

Groups only, by appointment.

Tea/coffee and biscuits available by arrangement (€3.00 per person)

Plants for sale.

Best time to Visit:
Early summer to late autumn.

Carmel Duignan

Source: Dublin Garden Group – Carmel Duignan’s Garden