A Visit to the Rose Garden at the Botanic Gardens – David Corscadden

So yes my love affair with roses still burns strong and last week I was treated to a great display of them in the Botanic Gardens. I went on an extremely warm sunny day and I think it was the perfect kind of day to visit a rose garden as the perfume from the flowers wafted through the air and filled it with such a great scent.

As I walked around the garden though I got some what depressed as the roses were all perfect! No greenfly and very little black-spot to be seen anywhere! But then I remembered where I was and the fact there is a team of workers constantly working in the garden so I didn’t feel too bad about the state of my own roses back home!

One of the best roses I stumbled across on my trip was the aptly named Alan Titchmarsh hybrid tea rose! I thought when I seen it from a distance it almost looked like a peony rose. I think it a a great rose and seems to produce a lot of flowers which is great!

An other rose that I had a soft spot for on my visit was Iceberg. Normally I find white roses are a bit lackluster in gardens and do not look as crisp as I would like them to. However this one surprised me! It was a perfectly pure white rose.

Of course I liked about every rose I seen that morning and now want to extend my rose collection! I am slowly starting to think I am a rose junkie!!!


My Name is David Corscadden and I have just finished my degree in horticulture from UCD. I have a keen interest in wildlife friendly gardens or as I like to call them “Wild Gardens”. I have in the last year taken a u-turn in what I thought I would do after college. I have moved more in to the literature side of horticulture and plan to do a masters in journalism next year.

Source: Beyond the Wild Garden – A Visit to the Rose Garden at the Botanic Gardens – David Corscadden