Innovative New Weed Control Matting & SowEasyGrow Kits Business Launched


SowEasyGrow will supply ‘complete gardening kits’ to suit all budgets and make gardening pleasurable to the senses and more productive by improving yields. All tools provided in the Gardening Kits are central to the ethos of ‘Sow Easy Gardening’ and is an essential in every gardeners shed this season.

SowEasyGrow is a new Irish company manufacturing weed prevention solutions for a wide variety of vegetables and plants to suit both the GIY’er(Grow it Yourself), and the commercial market grower. The company developed a new tool called ‘GrowGrid’ for the consumer market and ‘GrowGrid Pro’ for the commercial market. GrowGrid is a weed control membrane with holes punched at intervals to suit various vegetables, plants and cut flowers.

Benefits of using GrowGrid:

  • No more weeds
  • Improves harvest rates
  • Saves time on labour
  • Reduces pests and diseases
  • Improves crop success rates
  • Promotes organic methods


» visit SowEasyGrow website