Becausewecare Getting Ready for Spring!


It’s been a busy February for us and hopefully now that Spring is upon us people will start getting back into their gardens and start enjoying the warmer months.

Promotions for our pots have been ongoing and so far we have had:

  • A great article by Eugene Higgins in The Irish Daily Mail on Sunday
  • Review by Dee Sewell of Greensideup of our pots
  • Advertising in the March edition of the Irish Garden magazine
  • Competition in the March edition of the Irish Garden magazine, readers can win a gift voucher from their local becausewecare™ stockist.
  • Advertising in the GIY Ireland magazine

We have also been speaking at GIY Ireland meetings where we have had a great reaction to the product. In March we will be:

  • Advertising again in the Irish Garden
  • Issuing a press release through Hortitrends Media and PR to the national and local gardening press.
  • Attending GIY Ireland meetings, getting to show potential customers the product directly has been an excellent way of promoting the product.

We are also getting plenty of enquiries through our website and we have been passing them on to our stockists.

Hopefully the mild weather continues and we all have a busy Spring!

Source: Becausewecare