The Westland Magical Garden at RHS Chelsea Flower Show

The Westland Magical Garden is a retreat for garden lovers, a green plot in the city for planting fruit, vegetables, shrubs, herbaceous perennials and seasonal flowers in containers. The garden is pyramid-shaped and comprises seven terraces of planting at different levels.

Trees (including birch trees) grow upright in multi-level planting boxes linking the terraces together, alongside trailing climbers that have been released from their trellis and bamboo canes.

The ground-level section is a shaded garden with formal, elegant planting including ferns, hostas and clipped Buxus sempervirens in terracotta urns. A staircase and elevator provide transport to the higher terraces, while a stainless tubular slide offers the opportunity of a rapid and adventurous descent.

The design is enhanced by a series of garden buildings, from humble sheds to greenhouses.

Source: RHS – The Westland Magical Garden at RHS Chelsea Flower Show