Kennedy Irish Primrose Goes Stateside for St Patricks Day


If you are looking for something truly Irish, you need look no further than Pioneer Square in Seattle. Longtime restaurateur, Mick McHugh, owner of the popular F.X. McRory’s, has teamed up with Irish nurseryman, Patrick FitzGerald – an innovative plant developer – to help introduce a new line of primroses and sedges to the Pacific Northwest. These two entrepreneurs come together with the first public planting of the Kennedy Irish Primroses at the local landmark.


Named for places important to Ireland’s famous poet, W. B. Yeats, ‘Drumcliff’ and Innisfree’ are the first of many in the line, featuring the darkest primrose foliage on the market today.

Nestled in a rosette of chocolate-colored leaves, ‘Drumcliff’ has white flowers blushed with lavender, while ‘Innisfree’ holds a posy of dark red blossoms. Both are garden varieties that are ideally suited to withstand weather extremes.

These unique Primula have taken decades for the hybridizer, Joe Kennedy, to perfect. They so impressed the Irish prime minister, Enda Kenny, Taoiseach, that the very first batch of plants were gifted last year for St. Patrick’s Day to First Lady, Michelle Obama, by Mr. and Mrs. Kenny on their official visit to the White House in Washington D. C. And this year they are featured in spectacular outdoor planters at F. X. McRory’s, along with beautiful FitzGerald Nursery Carex selections.

Grown in the Pacific Northwest by Skagit Gardens, these fine Irish varieties are available at independent garden centers throughout the area.

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