Interflora Florist Receives Prestigious Quality Award


Interflora florist The White Petal Company, based in Edinburgh, has been awarded the Guild of Master Craftsmen’s Quality and Service Award – only the fifth florist in the whole of the UK to receive this prestigious recognition and the first ever florist in Scotland to receive the award.

The status is awarded to companies who “care about their customers and the service they receive”. The Guild always takes references from customers before it will agree to award a certificate of Quality & Service.

George Sirrell, owner of The While Petal Company, said “It was a great surprise to receive a telephone call from The Guild of Master Craftsmen’s Chief Assessor of Scotland. The nomination to the Guild was for the quality and service that we have been providing over the years and this was made even more special as we had been nominated by our customers, which we were unaware of. We are very proud to now belong to an organisation that includes companies such as Harrods, Rolls Royce and Jenners amongst its members.”

For 30 years the Guild of Master Craftsmen has represented professions across a number of industries. The Quality & Service Award is a symbol of a company’s reputation for skill and integrity.


Congratulations to The White Petal Company. Florists in Edinburgh.

Source: Interflora – Interflora Florist Receives Prestigious Quality Award