The @SodShow Meets Joe Massie at Kildare Village


Listen to this weeks episode of The SodShow with Peter Donegan and Brian Greene – every Friday at 3pm.

On This Weeks Garden Radio:

Joe Massie1 Joe Massie2

Joe Massie is a floral designer. Aged 24 he has won Chelsea Flower Show Gold and Best in Show 4 years running. The first ever person to do so. In Kildare Village for the Chic Summer Festival 2012, Joe has come up with another stunning creation for the event. Myself and Greene went there to meet Joe and also fellow gentleman Brian Kitson of Kildare Village.

The SodShow, brought to you by Greensax, the compostable bag for home and garden.

How To Listen to The SodShow:

The SodShow, Dublin’s only garden radio show. Live every Friday @ 3pm:

Source: Donegan Landscaping – The @SodShow meets Joe Massie at Kildare Village