Wild and free – The Organic Centre Garden Party Sunday 13th July 11am – 5pm. Free entrance! Biodiversity is in everybody’s vocabulary nowadays, but what does it really mean and what can we gardeners do to put it into practice? Our annual garden party will show you and much more besides.
Ireland is home to 815 flowering plants, 80 native ferns, more than 700 mosses and liverworts (as you would expect in our damp climate), 3500 fungi, over 1000 lichens (indicating unpolluted air) and 1400 algae. We have 32 terrestrial mammals, 10 bat species, 2 species of seals and about 24 whales and dolphins. About 425 species of birds have been recorded here and about half of theses birds breed here. Many of these species are already under threat, some are even endangered. If we want to ensure all of these species survive, we must ensure that there are enough suitable areas and habitats for all to flourish and gardens are one of them.
Gardening and organic growing can be so much more than just producing food: Wild life, wild patches, hedgerows with wild plants and food and wild flower meadows all add enjoyment, health and natural wealth to our lives and families and help to protect our natural environment.
The Garden Party this year features activities for all the family:
How to create a wildflower meadow and make wildflower seed balls.The top 10 edible weeds and the dozen best flowers and shrubs for bees and butterflies. How to grow unusual vegetables and find wild mushrooms. There will be a masterclass in watering plants indoors and outdoors.
The Pop-up Hedgerow bar will serve wild fermented drinks and The Grass Roof CafĂ© will be serving the most wonderful wild dishes. We will bake pizza in our outdoor clay oven. Special guest are “Eagles Flying” and we have local farm animals and stuffed wild animals on show. Music, drumming and tai-chi and displays of local tourism providers will be ongoing throughout the day.
Next year is our 20th anniversary and we will start raising funds for refurbishing and will be asking for donations.
For more information call 071-9854338 or visit www.theorganiccentre.ie