The Sodshow Wins Best Irish Podcast 2012

The Sodshow Wins Best Irish podcast 2012

Saturday 13th October, Dublin’s only garden radio show brought to you by, The Sodshow was awarded the coveted title of Ireland’s Best Podcast 2012.

Here’s what we had to say after receiving the award:

It’s great for Irish gardening and horticulture. The Sodshow is a great Irish-born and bred radio show and podcast for those that are serious about their horticulture as much as it is for those that simply like to sit on their garden bench. Gardening and gardens in whatever format you enjoy them should at a very minimum make you smile. The Sodshow very simply retells that story.

We owe a massive note of thanks to The Sodshow sponsors who are the best friends this garden radio podcast could ever ask for. Without them, this award and the hard work at this level and over the last twelve months would not have been possible.

The Sodshow team would like to dedicate this award to you the listeners, be it when we are live on air or in podcast. Your listening, your interaction and your words make it all so very worthwhile. More than that, you make us smile.

Thank you !

The Sodshow, Ireland’s garden radio show and podcast airs live every Friday at 3pm on Dublin City 103.2 Fm and is available around tea-time that evening in podcast.

The Irish Blog Awards ceremony took place at The Osprey Hotel, Nass Co. Kildare. Representing The Sodshow on the night were Niall O’Keeffe and Peter Donegan pictured below with Awards Organiser Lorna Sixsmith. This image courtesy the lovely people of Cearbhuil Studios.

Source: SodShow – The Sodshow Wins Best Irish Podcast 2012