Plantsman Receives Highest Honour from RHS



A plantsman and author who has made the Himalayas his area of expertise has been awarded the Victoria Medal of Honour (VMH), the highest accolade given by the RHS. Plantsman, propagator and author Chris Sanders has been awarded the VMH in the RHS annual awards. He was made an RHS Associate of Honour in 1999, and is an expert on ornamental cherries. He has also built a collection of Deutzia originally bred by Victor Lemoine and was behind the introduction of a range of garden favourites including Cornus alba ‘Aurea’ and Aster x frikartii ‘Monch’.

Mark Chase, Martin Gardner, Gianfranco Giustina, Antonio de Almeida Monteiro and Philip Baulk were all awarded the Veitch Memorial Medal for their outstanding contribution to the advancement of the art, science or practice of horticulture. All recipients have had an exceptional impact in their area of expertise.

Ian Butterfield and David Stone were awarded the RHS Associate of Honour, which is presented to British citizens who have rendered distinguished service to the practice of horticulture either as employers or employees throughout their career.

The Harlow Carr Medal, given to honour those who have made a significant contribution to horticulture in the North of England, was awarded to Peter Cartmell, who founded the Westmorland Damson Association.

Download the full list of winners (56kB pdf).

Source: RHS – Plantsman Receives Highest Honour from RHS