Park on Former Dump To Open in 2015

The announcement follows confirmation that work on the last environmental capping contract has begun at the old dump on the Kinsale Rd. The work on the final eight hectares of the site includes environmental capping required under the Environmental Protection Agency’s waste licence for the site.

As part of the works, a protective liner to reduce rainfall infiltration into the ground will be installed and covered by layers of imported soil. A gas and leachate collection system will also be installed.

However, the contract also contains the first phase development of the Tramore Valley Park in the northern and eastern areas of the former landfill site, including the development of:

  • Roads and pathways, and onsite parking for up to 200 vehicles;
  • A large, multi-use events area suitable for exhibitions, circuses, fairs and sporting events;
  • Dressing rooms and toilet facilities to service the multi-use events area and the existing pitch;
  • Piled foundations to support future structures on the site.

City council engineers expect the work to take about 15 months.

“Once these works are complete, it is hoped that elements of the Tramore Valley Park will be opened to the public in the spring or summer of 2015,” said Michael O’Brien, the senior engineer in the council’s environment and recreation directorate.

Engineers are also finalising the landscape design for the remainder of the site using a landscape architect-led multi-disciplinary team.

These designs will be finalised in the next few months, before draft documents are presented to city councillors. Turners Cross-based city councillor Emmet O’Halloran welcomed the start of the final capping contract.

“Residents of the area had to put up with all of the problems associated with living next to a landfill site for decades,” he said.

“However, this investment by Cork City Council will mean that they will be living on the doorstep of what will essentially be the Phoenix Park of Cork.”

The 150-acre site ceased operating as a landfill in 2009. It is estimated that up to 3m tonnes of rubbish have been dumped on the site since it opened in 1965. Recycling, composting, timer recovery, and waste electrical and electronic equipment works continue at its civic amenity site. The former landfill has already hosted several fundraising events, including car rallies and walks.

Source: Irish Examiner – Park on Former Dump To Open in 2015