Lemon Balm, An Attractive Plant for Pots – Gareth Austin

This week I’ve been planting two pots with Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) for either side of the potting shed door. Lemon Balm is an easy to grow garden perennial famed for its citrus scented edible foliage and small flowers which ate very attractive to garden bees.

Lemon Balm can be planted now, alternatively you can sow Lemon Balm from seed now. We sowed some seed this week into seed trays and placed them in a polytunnel, these will hopefully be ready for potting up in the spring.


Gareth Austin is a Community focused Horticulturist based in Derry-Londonderry and voice of Gardening on the Mark Patterson Show on BBC Radio Foyle. Gareth specialises in Community horticulture, offering a wide range of events, programmes and acitivity on engaging people in the exciting world of Horticulture. Gareth lectures in Horticulture in the North West Regional College and offers school horticulture programs through the Western Education + Library Board. Gareth is passionate about changing land-use to a more positive use, urban food production and showcasing the flora of county Derry through the City of Horti-Culture programme of events.

Source: Gareth Austin Horticultural & Media Services – Lemon Balm, An Attractive Plant for Pots – Gareth Austin