Future Remediation 0f Kerdiffstown Landfill Site Discussed

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) met with community members and elected representatives to discuss recommendations made by Kerdiffstown landfill site consultants, SKM Enviros, about the future remediation of the site. The recommendations arise from an Environmental Baseline Report and a Remedial Options Report compiled by SKM Enviros.

The Remedial Options Report is based on scientific data gathered over two and a half years, including the drilling of over 100 on-site and off-site boreholes and the taking of thousands of samples and seasonal measurements required to characterise the landfill and surrounding lands accurately and to determine the best long-term remediation solution for the site.

The report finds that the site requires extensive remediation and outlines three options for this remediation involving various elements such as an engineered cap, leachate containment and landfill gas collection and treatment.

The Remedial Options Report has been forwarded to the Department of Environment Community and Local Government where the report is currently being technically assessed.

Source: Build.ie – Future Remediation 0f Kerdiffstown Landfill Site Discussed