Dee Seewel a Finalist in Four Categories of the 2013 Blog Awards Ireland

Dee Sewell, owner of an Old Leighlin based business Greenside Up that teaches growth and green to gardeners across Carlow and Kilkenny was informed last week that she is a finalist in FOUR categories of the Blog Awards Ireland that celebrates the best in Irish blogging:

Best Eco/Green Blog, Best Great Outdoors Blog, Best Lifestyle Blog and Best Mobile Compatible Blog

Dee has been writing a blog on her website that you can find here for the past four years as a way of sharing her own gardening exploits and efforts to lead a greener lifestyle with her customers.

From growing vegetables, seasonal recipes, community gardening and green living to country crafts and living more sustainable lives, Dee has now written over 300 posts that encompass the ethos that Greenside Up promotes.

“I try to help people grow veg and become more sustainable in whatever way I can, be it through personal, community groups or social media” commented Dee.

“I love writing and the planet we live on so blogging gives me the opportunity to combine my two passions. It’s a great way of sharing information, receiving feedback and keeping people up to date with ideas and news that might help them in their own kitchens and gardens, as well as making new friends and business links. I feel honoured that my blog has been shortlisted for so many categories.”

There were over 3,000 nominations for the thirty categories in the Blog Awards ranging from Arts and Culture to Science and Video and Dee will be joining the final five finalists of each of them on Saturday,12th October at The Osprey Hotel in Naas to find out who the winners are.

Source: HortiTrends News Room