The show gardens at Bord Bia’s Bloom always strive to not only entice visitors with their fantastic designs and plant selection, but they also aim to promote a key message to the public. This is especially true for Bloom’s Charity Show gardens which aim to highlight a particular cause or calls to action with the public. This year Bloom has four main charity show gardens on display, each of which is raising awareness for a worthy cause.
Crumlin Children’s Hospital Garden is presented by Kildare Growers and has been designed by Anthony Ryan. The contemporary garden, which incorporates multiple viewing points to appreciate the garden from, aims to raise more awareness of the work carried out by the hospital and how a key part of its work relies heavily on public support.
The GOAL garden, designed by Joan Mallon, represents opportunities for, and challenges to, sustainable development that informal settlements (or slums as they’re more commonly known) present. The garden attempts to reflect some of the many ways in which GOAL is working with people living in these communities to help improve their health, livelihood opportunities, and general quality of life. The garden aims to raise awareness of the work carried out by GOAL in developing countries and improving people’s lives.
Niall Maxwell is designing the Pieta House Garden which symbolises a journey, at the end of which you find a safe space to sit and reflect. Towards the back of the garden will be a wall where visitors can write affirmations or messages of support to family and friends.
The Ronald McDonald House Garden, sponsored by Dawn Meats, is designed by Anthony Ryan is based on the theme of ‘keeping families together’. The aim of the garden design is to capture and promote the same ambiance and awareness for the needs and comfort of families as is provided by the Ronald McDonald House.
You can find out more information about all the show gardens at Bloom 2015 on our website,