Changing Seasons in the Garden – David Corscadden

The seasons were changing very gradually for the past few weeks but then in the last few days they changed in a split second and now we are truly in the middle of Autumn.

I am always some what disappointed when the leaves all cascade off the trees as I love looking up at a tree that looks like it has gold dripping from it or that has just burst into flames!

But I guess it as just as nice to see all these colours down on the ground! They still look amazing! In my eyes anyway!

The garden is still going through a lot of change and many plants are beginning to fade away but there is still a lot of change to come as more and more plants enter their winter slumber.

While there is a lot of things disappearing from the garden there is still a lot of different plants putting a lot of effort into surviving the bitterly cold weather. The Vegetable patch still has a great deal to offer! From some small radishes, carrots, spinach to copious amounts of kale!

There is also lots of activity to get on with in the garden at the moment as I start to cut back plants and a lot of other things to tidy up!

Source: Beyond the Wild Garden – Changing Seasons in the Garden – David Corscadden