Caher Bridge Garden, Clare

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I was in the beautiful County of Clare for work reasons about 6 weeks ago. And via introduction through the very lovely Maureen of Clare Tourism, one of the double whammy’s of my stay there was my meeting with Carl Wright and my visit to the absolute wonderland he has created that is Caher Bridge Garden.

When I say double- whammy, I mean that bit where I’m just so flippin’ happy that my work [?] is what I absolutely love doing. Which kind of makes it not work, if you get me. D’ye get me ?

If I’m really honest, garden visits have an ability* to bore me to absolute tears. Here it’s fair to say that was far from the case and in part, that comes down to Carl himself and the fact that he is quite simply an absolute gentleman.

We sat on the wall nearest the house and had a cuppa and chatted projects and gardens and I fondly remember forgetting that time existed. And that, that clock-less effect, is one genuinely amazing trait that Caher Bridge has over so many of the many gardens I have been to and something no amount of money can buy.

Maybe it is the beautiful inherited surrounds of Caher Valley that add something to the picture. But there’s also the fact that it is so horticulturally different by way of layout, plant collection[s] and as always and for the better in this case, the person who made it so.

The garden isn’t huge and though Carl suggests you give yourself at least an hour there. Personally, I could have stayed all day.

Higher than highly recommended and well worth the fiver that I didn’t have to pay to get in.


In the reeling in the years department, my folks would have brought all 8 children of us to The Burren on holidays when we were nippers and my time there of recent a fine reminder that I’ve been away from the region for far, far too long.

Of note, three recommendations:
For accommodation – Ballinsheen House Bed & Breakfast, Lisdoonvarna – ask for Mary, she’s a total legend of a lady and does the finest brekkie with, nota bené, real coffee.

For food and their own craft beers/ stout – The Roadside Tavern, Lisdoonvarna. Also they do a cracker of a trad session that is the closest I’ve seen to that of my own home town.

If you are going to hit The Burren region allow yourself a lot longer than just a day or two. You’ll be glad you did.

Source: Donegan Landscaping