Bloom 2014 Medium Gardens – Breathe Life Into Your Garden


Designer: Marion Keogh

These days protecting Biodiversity is serious business. Very little of our land remains in a natural state, with most devoted to agriculture and other development. The role of the Garden in providing food and habitat for wildlife is essential to the continued existence of Biodiversity. But it doesn’t have to be at the expense of having a beautiful garden.

The Soil Renew Show Garden encourages you to “Breathe Life Into Your Garden” with beautiful flowering plants to attract pollinating insects, birds and small animals. It shows methods of re-using old building materials making an attractive pathway and a useful Wildlife Observatory. It highlights the link between healthy soil and producing food for plant and wildlife. Most of all this Garden shows how you can achieve all this environmental benefit and still have a beautiful garden for you to enjoy.

Soil Renew is a soil-improving product new to the Irish market and is being launched at Bloom 2014. Soil Renew garden range works in harmony with nature and contains organic matter along with an ecosystem of naturally occurring microorganisms creating humus in the soil. It improves the soil’s structure, increases the worm population and plants grow stronger and healthier with deeply-implanted roots. It negates the need for pest control, herbicides and fertilizers as it supports a healthy soil food web.

Source: Bloom – Medium Gardens – Breathe Life Into Your Garden