New Garden ‘Online Design’ Service for Landscape and Paving Contractors, and Garden Centres

“Our garden was never planned properly, we’ve spent a fortune and now we’re not happy with the result’.

Sound familiar? Well, the new garden ‘Online Design’ service now available at G W Foran Design may just be the answer that you and your customers have been waiting for!

New garden ‘Online Design’ service for Landscape and Paving Contractors, and Garden Centres.

Convenient, flexible, economical, and professional the new garden ‘Online Design’ service at G W Foran Design which was launched recently at Bloom.

“Our aim is to make professional garden design and the services of a fully qualified garden designer more accessible via the internet, to those customers in both the private and commercial sectors, who appreciate the value that a professional approach and service can bring to their home or business. Whilst we do also offer a full garden and landscape design service including, site visits/ analysis, preparation of garden plans and drawings, contract documentation, project monitoring etc, we find that a niche market does exist for those customers with perhaps fewer and simpler requirements, who may not require the full spectrum of services that a qualified and professional garden designer can provide”

The key benefits of our new ‘online design’ service at G W Foran Design to those in the Landscape, Paving, Garden Centre sectors are as follows:

  • ‘Online Design’ provides you with a unique additional selling point for your business, i.e. access for your customers to professional garden design services.
  • Convenient and flexible design service that can be tailor-made to suit your budget and that of your customers.
  • Time saving for you; we’ll take the hassle out of producing a design for you, which we can either create ourselves from scratch, or to a specific brief provided by you or your customer.
  • For Contractors; working from a professionally produced garden design plan on paper leaves nothing to chance, and ensures you and your customer know exactly how a design will look when complete before even the first brick is laid!
  • Complete impartiality when it comes to working with your choice of materials provider, garden centre or nursery.
  • For Garden Centre’s; your products, building materials and plants on sale or promotion, can all be incorporated into a design for your customer, ensuring everyone’s a winner!
  • Additional services such as plant, product and materials sourcing, and arranging for delivery of same directly to your customer can be provided.

Online Design customer comments:

“We are really delighted with the way the project came out. It is done extremely well architecturally for the space we had and we love the tranquility of it with the pond and oriental plants and the patio!  Really love it! I would recommend Gary to anyone who’s ready for a change and brave enough to stand out in the neighborhood!”

Victor & Eugenie Olyunin

Co. Limerick

May, 2012.

Online Design competition winner announced on Facebook.

To launch our new ‘Online Design’ service, a competition was held during Bloom and for a week afterwards to win a free online design. Our lucky winner Sinead C Kavanagh’s name was pulled out from our ‘flowerpot’ and announced on Friday 8th June. More details on Facebook at ‘G W Foran Design’.

Gary’s background and qualifications.

Gary studied Landscape Architecture and Ecology at Sheffield University and qualified with BSc. Hons in 2000. He moved into private practice shortly after that and has been designing gardens and landscapes for private and commercial client’s in Ireland successfully ever since. He is a full member of the Garden and Landscape Designer’s Association .

Source: HortiTrends News Desk