Enterprising Lunch to Celebrate Local Food Producers

This lunch is a celebration of food in Waterford and the South East. With the assistance of the Love Irish Food Initiative diners will enjoy the best food Waterford and the South East has to offer. The key note speakers at the lunch will be Waterford man Michael Kelly, founder of GIY and Waterford restaurant owner Cormac Cronin, proprietor of Bodega, John’s street in Waterford.

Bertie Rogers, Chairman of Waterford City Enterprise Board commented on the importance of the event, “The food industry is now a vital component in the revival of the Irish economy and Waterford is fortunate to have such a proliferation of quality food producers. But these businesses require assistance and promotion. That is why this lunch is vital, to celebrate what we have, but also to inspire others to create the next generation of food businesses. That is where the Enterprise Boards can and do help.”
This lunch coincides with the start of a new Waterford City Enterprise Board food programme. ‘Take your food business to supermarket shelf’ is an eight month programme devised by Waterford City Enterprise Board. This programme running from July 2103 to February 2014 is designed for food producers in Waterford City and includes Bord Bia approved workshops and market testing.

Kieran Rumley, Executive Director of Love Irish Food Limited, “We are delighted to be asked to participate in this lunch, the food industry has always been very strong in the southeast and our membership from the area continues to grow”.

Tickets (just €15) for this lunch can be purchased from Waterford City Enterprise Board by calling to its office at New Street in the city or from the reception at Dooley’s Hotel.

Waterford City Enterprise Board offers support services for start-up and existing SME’s in Waterford city. If you have a new business idea or are running a business that requires assistance you can contact the Enterprise Board by phoning Celia on 051-852883 or visit www.waterfordceb.com.

Source: GardenGuide News Room