Maynooth Flower and Garden Club

Maynooth Flower and Garden Club was formed in October 1980. Before the club was set up in Maynooth the ladies who were interested in flower arranging and gardens travelled to their nearest club, which was in Dunboyne, Co. Meath. They enjoyed their monthly trips very much and were made most welcome by the Dunboyne ladies, but they dreaded making the journey on those long dark nights during the Winter months.

It was on such a night that four ladies met in Felicity Satchwell’s kitchen, probably over a cup of tea, and Sarah Angel thought it would be a good idea to set up a club of their own in Maynooth. The other two co-founders that night were Pamela Fegan and Imelda Desmond. Felicity Satchwell, a resident of Maynooth, has been on the committee ever since (taking on various roles over the years) and is the President of the club. This must stand as a genuine testament to both her commitment and the excellence of the club.

The club held its first meeting in the ICA hall in Maynooth on 21st October 1980. As membership grew, the meetings needed to relocate in 1989. Meetings were then held in the MADE Centre at the back of the local Post-Primary School, and subsequently in the school itself. Meetings were thereafter held in the Divine Word Hostel on the Moyglare Road. This proved very satisfactory and many friendships were forged, but after some time Divine Word wanted to expand its premises so meetings were moved to the St. Mary’s Boys National School and the local GAA club. Mrs. Satchwell had some good friends in St. Patrick’s College and the club was lucky enough to find a new home there. The monthly club night had its home in Loftus Hall up to 2011. This is a lovely building in a beautiful seminarian campus setting. The club nights are now held in the Glenroyal Hotel.

The club nights are scheduled for the third Tuesday of every month, with the exceptions of January, July, August and April. July and August are holiday months. In January, the club members and their friends attend their Annual Dinner in a local hotel. For over a decade, this dinner had been held in the Moyglare Manor Hotel owned by Mrs. Devlin. The hotel was sold in 2007, so the dinner has seen several other local venues since.

In June or early July, the members and some friends go on their annual outing to one or two gardens, taking in a garden centre visit and a meal on the way home. These days are always well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all. April, on the other hand is a very busy month as this is when the annual Spring Show takes place. The schedule for this event takes a different theme for each year. The theme is intended to give great scope to the members, allowing them to show their talents in floral artistry and interpretation.

Source: Maynooth Flower Club – Maynooth Flower and Garden Club